3 Principles to Live your Life by on this Journey...
Find God

Remember where you came from... (Past)
There is one that can take your Past and give you a transformed future thru your experiences; a True Purpose in Life. He has been waiting to Rendezvous with you! Find the True God. Looking far and in all the wrong Places? He is actually nearer than you Think! He Came to give SIGHT to the Blind.
There is one that can take your Past and give you a transformed future thru your experiences; a True Purpose in Life. He has been waiting to Rendezvous with you! Find the True God. Looking far and in all the wrong Places? He is actually nearer than you Think! He Came to give SIGHT to the Blind.
Live holy

...know where you are at... (Present)
Live a Holy Life; "for without Holiness No One shall see the Lord". Heaven is for those that Overcome this Life. Jesus did not give an impossible command when He said "Stop Sinning." God Wants us you to draw closer to Him daily. Be a True Friend of God.
Live a Holy Life; "for without Holiness No One shall see the Lord". Heaven is for those that Overcome this Life. Jesus did not give an impossible command when He said "Stop Sinning." God Wants us you to draw closer to Him daily. Be a True Friend of God.
Become a Legacy

...to know where you are going. (Future)
Store up your treasures in Heaven. Make a True Name for yourself in Eternity. Do the Most Good all the time for the Glory of God. Be a friend to sinners and a lighthouse to the fallen saints. God is calling you.